Spells para Druid/elder

NameGroupTypeExp LvlManaPricePremium
Terra Burst (exevo ulus tera)AttackInstant-230freeyes
Ice Burst (exevo ulus frigo)AttackInstant-230freeyes
Avatar of Nature (uteta res dru)SupportInstant-2200freeyes
Mud Attack (exori infir tera)AttackInstant16freeno
Chill Out (exevo infir frigo hur)AttackInstant18freeno
Magic Patch (exura infir)HealingInstant16freeno
Light Healing (exura)HealingInstant820freeno
Light (utevo lux)SupportInstant820freeno
Find Person (exiva "name")SupportInstant82080no
Apprentice's Strike (exori min flam)AttackInstant86freeno
Magic Rope (exani tera)SupportInstant920200yes
Cure Poison (exana pox)HealingInstant1030150no
Levitate (exani hur "up|down")SupportInstant1250500yes
Energy Strike (exori vis)AttackInstant1220800yes
Great Light (utevo gran lux)SupportInstant1360500no
Terra Strike (exori tera)AttackInstant1320800yes
Haste (utani hur)SupportInstant1460600yes
Poison Field Rune (adevo grav pox)SupportRune14200300no
Food (exevo pan)SupportInstant14120300no
Magic Shield (utamo vita)SupportInstant1450450no
Flame Strike (exori flam)AttackInstant1420800yes
Cancel Magic Shield (exana vita)SupportInstant1450450yes
Intense Healing Rune (adura gran)SupportRune15120600no
Light Magic Missile Rune (adori min vis)SupportRune15120500no
Fire Field Rune (adevo grav flam)SupportRune15240500no
Cure Poison Rune (adana pox)SupportRune15200600no
Ice Strike (exori frigo)AttackInstant1520800yes
Convince Creature Rune (adeta sio)SupportRune16200800no
Physical Strike (exori moe ico)AttackInstant1620800yes
Destroy Field Rune (adito grav)SupportRune17120700no
Energy Field Rune (adevo grav vis)SupportRune18320700no
Heal Friend (exura sio "name")HealingInstant18120800yes
Ice Wave (exevo frigo hur)AttackInstant1825850no
Intense Healing (exura gran)HealingInstant2070350no
Strong Haste (utani gran hur)SupportInstant201001300yes
Disintegrate Rune (adito tera)SupportRune21200900yes
Cure Electrification (exana vis)HealingInstant22301000yes
Creature Illusion (utevo res ina "creature")SupportInstant231001000no
Ultimate Healing Rune (adura vita)SupportRune244001500no
Stalagmite Rune (adori tera)SupportRune243501400no
Heavy Magic Missile Rune (adori vis)SupportRune253501500no
Summon Creature (utevo res "creature")SupportInstant25var.2000no
Poison Bomb Rune (adevo mas pox)SupportRune255201000yes
Find Fiend (exiva moe res)SupportInstant25201000no
Ultimate Light (utevo vis lux)SupportInstant261401600yes
Chameleon Rune (adevo ina)SupportRune276001300no
Fire Bomb Rune (adevo mas flam)SupportRune276001500no
Soulfire Rune (adevo res flam)SupportRune274201800yes
Animate Dead Rune (adana mort)SupportRune276001200yes
Wild Growth Rune (adevo grav vita)SupportRune276002000yes
Icicle Rune (adori frigo)SupportRune284601700yes
Stone Shower Rune (adori mas tera)SupportRune284301100yes
Poison Wall Rune (adevo mas grav pox)SupportRune296401600no
Ultimate Healing (exura vita)HealingInstant301601000no
Avalanche Rune (adori mas frigo)SupportRune305301200no
Cure Burning (exana flam)HealingInstant30302000yes
Explosion Rune (adevo mas hur)SupportRune315701800no
Heal Party (utura mas sio)SupportInstant32var.4000yes
Fire Wall Rune (adevo mas grav flam)SupportRune337802000no
Invisible (utana vid)SupportInstant354402000no
Mass Healing (exura gran mas res)HealingInstant361502200yes
Terra Wave (exevo tera hur)AttackInstant381702500no
Strong Ice Wave (exevo gran frigo hur)AttackInstant401707500yes
Energy Wall Rune (adevo mas grav vis)SupportRune4110002500no
Cure Bleeding (exana kor)HealingInstant45302500yes
Envenom (utori pox)AttackInstant50306000yes
Paralyse Rune (adana ani)SupportRune5414001900yes
Wrath of Nature (exevo gran mas tera)AttackInstant557006000yes
Eternal Winter (exevo gran mas frigo)AttackInstant6010508000yes
Strong Terra Strike (exori gran tera)AttackInstant70606000yes
Strong Ice Strike (exori gran frigo)AttackInstant80606000yes
Ultimate Terra Strike (exori max tera)AttackInstant9010015000yes
Ultimate Ice Strike (exori max frigo)AttackInstant10010015000yes
Summon Druid Familiar (utevo gran res dru)SupportInstant200300050000yes
Nature's Embrace (exura gran sio para)HealingInstant275400500000yes
Restoration (exura max vita)HealingInstant300260500000yes

Fuente: Tibia.com